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    Black Tourmaline Quartz is a hybrid stone with both tourmaline and apparent quartz crystal qualities. Quartz enhances the energy that flows through it, while Black Tourmaline cleans one's energy and protects against negative energy. In addition, tourmaline quartz is a powerful shield stone because of its combination. Depending on the wearer's intention, it can either amplify and return negative energy, like a mirror spell, or change the negative energy into positive energy for the user.

    Tourmaline Quartz is an excellent stone for grounding since it fortifies the body's energy barrier against invasion from the outside and deflects adverse effects from the surrounding environment. It is a powerful tool for resolving conflicts and is frequently interpreted as a symbol of unification. Through this procedure, most of us get rid of crystallised patterns that may have been harmful in our lives and let go of tensions on any level.

    Origin: Saxony, Germany. Colour: Black. Clarity: Rough.  Cut: Sharp. Treatment: Untreated 100% Genuine Gemstone.